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- 啟用時間跟你所填離開日期無關激活時間是以接收到當地基地台訊號開始起算,如 果你已經在韓國,掃描QR CODE之後會立刻啟動服務。
- 14
14天後出發,會於你出發日14天內再做發送,如果沒有收到請私訊客服。 - 此產品使用韓國SKT電信原生服務
- 高速吃到飽不降速,天數用完可在購買新的eSIM使用。
謝*偉 C*E*W*I H*I*H This review is rewarded with discount coupon
To share my recent experience using an eSIM on Jeju Island, South Korea, and I must say it was incredibly useful. The network connections were stable throughout my stay, and the speed consistently remained at 5G in most locations across the island. This was especially important while driving, as having a reliable network connection was crucial for navigation and staying connected. Whether in urban areas or more remote parts of the island, the eSIM provided excellent coverage, making my trip much smoother and stress-free. Highly recommended for anyone planning to visit Jeju Island!
2024-08-14 10:31:17