問題: |
請問加拿大FIDO手機預付卡若使用在智慧型手機上,其上網費率如何計算? |
回覆: |
我們提供的Fido 卡不包含上網套餐 Fido 本身是有提供 C$1/day 的上網包 (只限 Fido 網路內,漫遊的話另計費,只限瀏覽網頁,不包含下載資料。Fido 網上原文如下)
但因為能否正常上網還會因手機而異,我們無法擔保,所以您必須要自行聯絡 Fido 開啟此服務,我們不能販賣無法擔保的產品。
您可以在開卡後,來信要求您的帳號密碼。以此密碼,自行聯絡 Fido 開啟"Data Day Pass 功能。
Data Day Pass for mobile phones – Get unlimited mobile browsing and application use for any 24-hour period for only $1 Includes unlimited on device mobile browsing, excluding tethering (use of device as wireless modem) for 24-hours from the time of purchase on select Fido-certified devices. Usage subject to Fido Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy, fido.ca/terms. Data transmission charges of 5¢/page viewed apply when roaming in the U.S. and 25¢/page viewed apply when roaming internationally. Visit fido.ca/roaming for other roaming rates and destinations. |
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